LIGHT Leadership Institute

Seven CO's Hot Items

1.  Mission Accomplishment and Mission Readiness.  Keep us always ready to DO our job.  Take care of your people.  Train.


2.   Watchstanding: Bridge, Quarterdeck, Propulsion Plant, CIC, Radio, DC Central, etc.  BE GOOD WATCHSTANDERS.  Ensure you are properly qualified and prepared for the watch.  Train your subordinates.  Be ready for any emergency responses required by your assignment.  Be fully proficient in Damage Control.  Train.


a.  Quarterdeck must be impeccable...Formal salutes and presentations.  Perfect execution of colors and honors.  Greet all hands and be efficient in escorting visitors. Know the boss(es).  Train.


b.  CIC and Bridge watches must be alert, filled with foresight, and always keep me informed.  Train.


c.  EOS and Propulsion Plant watches must remain formal and knowledgeable about the ship's operations.  Ship safety and reactor safety must be balanced and your top priorities.  Train.


3.  Phone talkers/ Radio users/ manners.   Be formal and efficient in phonetalking...including outside lines.  Answer in a manner that conveys respect for those calling in.  Speak clearly and be helpful.  Answer all calls promptly.  Before you speak over a radio circuit, know what you are going to say... keep it short, simple and clear!!  Train.


4.  Appearance: Keep the ship looking good... inside and out!  No rust or unkept areas.  Look at our sides vs others.   DC material condition includes caps on sound powered phone jacks, and all hardware in place and secured with lanyard locking pins.  All lights should be bright.  Maintain quality places to live, eat, study, and relax.   Plan and clean the ship every day.  Train.


5.  3M - Our Window to the world.


a.  PMS - 100% RAR or good reasons.. WCS see CO when he doesn't get all Scheduled maintenance done.  Really do good maintenance.  Check it.

b.  CSMP - Clear and complete entries, user friendly and valid.

c.  Configuration Control - Learn and follow the rules!



6.  Logs and records.  Keep them up-to-date and accurate.  They are your written legacy for how well you do your job.  Know the 'dead man' rule.....  Train.

7.  Be on time.   Train.


Remember- Command is personal and all about YOU for those you serve! Up, out, and down!

LIGHT Leadership Institute
Leader's Integrated Guide to Higher Thinking

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